_--Instructions for Setting Up Your Automated Marketing System For
Mobile Money 2018 and 2019

(Duplicate the APP System Site with ALL Apps)

You MUST download and activate at least ONE app
BEFORE setting up your marketing system!
If you haven't joined yet, click below:

Building Your System

To build the marketing system we use the POWER LEAD SYSTEM
We recommend getting the GOLD SUBSCRIPTION for the extra residual income stream.
Click Below Now To Get Your Free Trial:



Step 1 - Log in to your Power Lead System Dashboard at https://www.MyCompanyAdmin.com and click on 'Companies You Promote'.



Step 2: Scroll through the list of companies & find 'DOSH'

Highlight 'DOSH' and click 'Save'


Paste & Save your DOSH site URL for 'DOSH
(It should be something like "

To 'Copy & Paste', highlight the entire link above, right click your mouse, and click 'Copy'
Wherever your cursor is blinking, right click your mouse and click 'Paste'.


Be sure you swap in YOUR DOSH URL in the URL above!

Step 2a: Do the same for CASH APP, STASH, ACORNS, and any other of the apps and sites you signed up with. 

- - - - - - - -

Step 3 - Paste in (or enter) This Share Code - 364579-MobileMoneyApps


Paste this share code (364579-MobileMoneyApps) in the 'My Sharing Codes' section. To get there, hover over 'Websites', (main header seen across the top when you log in), then hover over 'Web Pages', then click on

'My Sharing Codes'. (you will see 'My Sharing Codes' while you are hovering over 'Web Pages').


- - - - - - - - - - -


Paste in (or enter) this share code (364579-MobileMoneyApps) & click 'Submit':



Step 4 - Get Yourself a domain:


You'll need to set up a domain with your account. To do this, you can either purchase a new domain directly from your back office (BY FAR RGE EASIEST ), or transfer one that you already own (Please don't bother!).

Login and click the button that says 'Add Your Domain':

Follow the simple steps to get your domain.

(the button will turn from red to green once this step is completed)


Step 5 - Click on 'Websites'

'Websites' is a main header across the top. By now you should have either purchased or transferred a domain.

Then click on "Manage Websites" (first one at the top)


Scroll down a little (after clicking on 'Websites') and look for this drop down menu:

NOTE: Allow some time for your domain to become active within your system.

It may happen in minutes, or several hours.

Step 6 - Select the domain you want to 'attach' your Funnel to.


Any of your additional domains or subdomains will also be seen in this drop-down menu.

Choose the one you want your funnel attached to.


Step 7 - At the TOP  under "Sales Funnels Done For You",  'select' the 'Make $100 per day with FREE Apps'
With this picture: 


Once you've selected that funnel, scroll all the way down, and click on 'Save My Choice'.


That's it... Your funnel is now completely set up and ready to go.

NOTE: Do NOT use a 'WWW' in your URL if your are using a subdomain.


Click the button below to create your Power Lead System account:


Click Here to Log in

Step 8 - Deliver TRAFFIC to your new funnel link:


Once you've created your new business link, you'll need people to see your offer and the best way to do that is NOT to go to your friends and family, but to send WEBSITE TRAFFIC to it.

There are many ways to get free traffic (The Courses available in the Diamond, Platinum, and MTI packages in the Power Lead system back office are fantastic), but the fastest way to get your business off the ground is to BUY traffic directly from a "solo ad vendor" Click Below and set up an account:

Udimi - Buy Solo Ads.

You can expect a 20% optin rate when you make an order, and a percentage
of those people will buy your offer. You now have a business!



Can I choose a different lead capture page with my Funnel?

You can use or create ANY lead capture page and connect it to your Funnel. You can even set up multiple funnels simultaneously.

Where can I find my opt-ins/leads?

All all your leads can be found in your contact management system. (click on the 'Contacts' header).


How do I refer others to get this custom Marketing System?

Click on 'Websites', (main header along the top) and choose which domain or subdomain you wish to attach a new page to. You may need to create a subdomain. (a video on 'creating a subdomain' can be found in the training area under the section 'Daily Tip'.

Once you've chosen the domain or subdomain that you'll be attaching this page to, scroll down and select the page called 'Getting Started Instructions'. Then scroll down and click 'Save'. This page is identical to the one you're reading now, with the only difference being, YOU will get the credit when anyones joins from it (assuming you are an affiliate).

Click the button below to create your account:


You may contact your sponsor with any questions:

Actorpreneur LLC
Click for Email Address

Udimi - Buy Solo Ads